Our professional staff consists of the following California Board Licensed specialists - psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists and social workers.
Bhuvaneswari Nallamothu, MD, DiplomateChild, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatrist CA License: A89852 |
Dr. Nallamothu is board certified Psychiatrist by The American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and has a Fellowship degree in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry from Baylor College of Medicine. She is accepting children 6+ years, adolescents and adult patients with most commercial insurance plans and is available to see patients through telemedicine with prior appointment. If you have a scheduled appointment call office to check in and enter her Virtual Waiting Room.
Practicing locations: 28125 Bradley Rd, Ste 220 & Ste 290A, Sun City, CA 92586 |
Carol Matthews, PsyDCA License: PSY19603 |
Dr Matthews has 20+ years of experience in the field. She is accepting adolescents 16+ years, and adult patients with most commercial insurance plans. She is available to see patients through Telemedicine with prior appointment and has evening and weekend availability. If you have a scheduled appointment for evening hours, call office to check in before 4:00 pm and connect to her Virtual Waiting Room at your appointment time.
Practicing locations: 28125 Bradley Rd, Ste 220 Sun City, CA 92586 |
Melanee B Carpenter-Lay, LMFTCA License: LMFT106476 |
Mrs Carpenter-Lay is accepting children 6+ years, adolescents and adult patients with most commercial insurance plans. She is available to see patients both in-person and through Telemedicine with prior appointment and has evening and weekend availability. If you have a scheduled appointment call office to check in and enter her Virtual Waiting Room
Practicing locations: 28125 Bradley Rd, Ste 220 & Ste 290A, Sun City, CA 92586 |
Angie Meza, LMFTCA License: LMFT122614 |
Ms. Angie is accepting children 6+ years, adolescents and adult patients with most commercial insurance plans. She is available to see patients both in-person and through Telemedicine and require prior appointment. If you have a scheduled appointment call office to check in and enter her Virtual Waiting Room
Practicing locations: 28125 Bradley Rd, Ste 220 & Ste 290A, Sun City, CA 92586 |
Mayra Cruz, LMFTCA License: LMFT108159 |
Mrs. Cruz is accepting children 6+ years, adolescents and adult patients with most commercial insurance plans. She is available to see patients only through Telemedicine with prior appointment. If you have a scheduled appointment call office to check in and enter her Virtual Waiting Room
Alternate Language(s): Spanish |
Esperanza Quirarte Villa, LMFTCA Board License: LMFT117276 |
Ms. Quirarte Villa is accepting children 6+ years, adolescents and adult patients with most commercial insurance plans. She is available to see patients both in-person and telesessions with prior appointment and has evening and weekend availability. If you have a scheduled appointment call office to check in and enter her Virtual Waiting Room
Alternate Language(s): Spanish |
Elizabeth M Sheppard, LCSWCA License: LCSW22764 |
Ms. Sheppard is accepting children 6+ years, adolescents and adult patients with most commercial insurance plans. She is offering both inperson and Telemedicine sessions with prior appointment. If you have a scheduled appointment call office to check in and enter her Virtual Waiting Room Practicing locations: 28125 Bradley Rd, Ste 220 & Ste 290A, Sun City, CA 92586 |
Stephanie R Canani, LMFTCA License: LMFT48429 |
Mrs. Canani can treat children 6+ years, adolescents and adult patients with most commercial insurance plans. She is able to see patients only through telesessions with prior appointment and has limited availability. If you have a scheduled appointment call office to check in connect through Virtual Waiting Room for your session Practicing locations: 28125 Bradley Rd, Ste 290A, Sun City, CA 92586 |
Terry Porter, LMFTCA License: MFC50119 |
Mr. Porter accepting adolescents 16+ years and adult patients with most commercial insurance plans. He is currently offering only Telemedicine sessions and require prior appointment. If you have a scheduled appointment call office to check in and enter his Virtual Waiting Room He offers only evening appointments which is convenient for those working.Practicing locations: 28125 Bradley Rd, Ste 220, Sun City, CA 92586 |
Mekkia DeSanchez-DavisCA License: LCS11875 |
Ms DeSanchez is accepting children 6+ years, adolescents and adult patients with most commercial insurance plans. She is available to see patients only through Telemedicine with prior appointment. If you have a scheduled appointment call office to check in and enter her Virtual Waiting Room at your appointment time. Note that for late or Sunday appointments, you can confirm the appointment so the staff can check in ahead of time and you can enter the virtial waiting room directly. Virtual Waiting Room
Practicing locations: 28125 Bradley Rd, Ste 220 & Ste 290A, Sun City, CA 92586 |